God has the wisdom and the power to make his promises come to pass. Amen!
This is because the words he speaks are spirit and life.
They never come back in vain. That’s why he said “It is written:
‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
(Matthew 4:4 NIV) His word shapes our lives and what we do. They are very very powerful.

We have to be very careful with our words because they matter.
As a child of God, you must think carefully before you speak.
When you say ‘I didn’t mean it’, that doesn’t take it back.
This is why you have to measure your words carefully. Listen carefully,
think before you speak and then give a response.

Normally you are busy preparing your response while the other person is
speaking and then you just blurt it out without listening to what the other person has said first.
You act like it’s all about what you want to say, not what they have said.
Your words can damage others so you have to use your words wisely.

There’s a time to speak, and a time to be quiet. Words are a gift that God has given to man.
The ability to think is an amazing gift. And you are creating as you are thinking.
Eventually, your thoughts come alive through your words or through your creations.
John 6:33 says: For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” (NIV)

Your words can make someone aggravated and worried, but your words can also make someone calm and uplifted.
Your words can make someone optimistic or pessimistic.
Your words can make one depressed or joyful.

So shouldn’t you measure what you are going to say before you say it?
Your words can tear people down or bring them up.
Jesus always brought people up, which is what we should do.
As Christians, we want to be like Jesus. This is why you should encourage people
and speak peace and strength into others. Remember, once you tear down you may not be able to build up again.

The truth is, we can’t see God, but we can see all that he has created,
but not him. However, we know that he is there. The reason being that we can see all the manifestations of his work.
You don’t even need to look that far – just touch yourself.

John 1:1 NIV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

What does this mean to you? This is one of the most simple yet complicated verses in the bible.
The word and God are inseparable. They are the same.
The latter part of the verse says
‘and the word was God.’ When God said ‘let there be light’,
he created light with that word. That word was God.
If someone tells you to stand up, you will most likely stand up. They lifted you up with those words.

The word is the truth. And the truth is what God says about you,
not what the world said about you. You need to understand the truth,
the word of God. You need to understand what he says about you.
We can’t act like how we are labelled by the world.
After categorizing and labelling some people, they start to develop anxiety and depression.
In the story of Joseph (the one with many brothers) he was never a slave.

He was still Joseph – who God has called him to be.
We must see the truth. We must see that the word is God:
that word has power. Words start wars, and words end wars.
Someone just saying “I’m sorry” can end generations of a family feud.

The word is still alive, still redeeming,
still opening the eyes of the blind. You need to free yourself with the power of the holy spirit.
You need to be set free. Set your mind free! I pray that you will be set free.
We shouldn’t say or think negative. The battle is in your mind – it’s what you think that you become.
Declare what you want to be: what you are.

May the word of God emancipate us.

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