For Absalom, courting fame at all cost was a goal most desired.
He gradually worked his way back to the palace and into the hearts of the
Israelites using the most unconventional methods – firstly, he set fire to Joab’s
field in order to force him into getting him a meeting with King David.

Secondly, whilst now at the palace, he displayed false empathy by standing outside the palace,
pretending to care more for the people than the King – 2 Samuel 15:1-6.

In a sharp contrast to his father King David, Absalom craved for attention,
wanted power so badly, he reached out for the throne. David on the other hand,
lived as a shepherd boy in the wilderness and was chosen by God for the throne.
Instead of lending the king his ideas, he chose to chose to indirectly throw stones at
the kings palace by claiming that he was a better judge.

Rather than focusing all attention on ourselves, we must learn to show empathy,
caring more for others than ourselves – in order to do this, you must have a deep understanding of
your self worth.

Let’s talk about self worth for a minute:

This is the value God has placed on you as a soul. You have to understand that it’s not based on a bank
account or assets or a title or a position or what people say or don’t say about you.
God says you’re more valuable than all the world. Understanding this is key. Once you do,
there’ll be a quiet confidence you’ll exhibit. Then your relationships will be healthier because you’ll
esteem others “better” than yourself. You’ll focus on others, rather than desiring to be focused on.

Apart from seeking so much attention, Absalom also played the victim. We must refrain from playing the victim

  • he pointed accusing fingers at the king for confining him to a house arrest.
    Forgetting that he murdered his brother and rightfully deserved to have also been executed for the crime,
    Absalom considered his treatment by King David as unfair. Rather than being sober and repentant,
    he felt he was right to demand his place back in the Kings’ court.

We will continue to explore the Spirit and mindset of Absalom which eventually led to his tragic downfall and shameful demise.

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