The story in the Bible depicting the life of the children of Israel in
Egypt is that of each one of us – it’s worth taking a closer look at,
because if you really do, you’ll realise God uses this story to reveal
a journey we all inadvertently undertake.

Freedom was an utopian concept for the Israelites at that time,
much like it is for most of us. “I am a free man” you might think,
but are you really? It took the death of Joseph and a harsh Egyptian King
coming into power for most of them to realise their plight – they were slaves.
The oppression grew stronger over time and only then, did they begin to cry out to God for help!

God always knew they were not free but they were clouded by the false sense
of security provided by Joseph. With Joseph alive, they ate and drank whatever
they wished to their fill – they were fruitful and multiplied but God knew the
situation wouldn’t last. It took only a change in Government to reveal their sorry state.
Imagine how ludicrous it would have seemed, if God had sent them Moses at that time,
demanding they leave to where he had promised for them.
That surely would have fallen on deaf ears. Although God’s promised land
for Israel awaited them.

  • His promise of a land flowing with milk and honey.
  • His promise of rest.
  • His promise of peace.
  • His promise of fruitfulness.
  • His promise of Freedom.

These are only available when we come to Him.
Jesus said, come unto me all those who are weary and heavily burdened and
I will give you rest. Let me stress that only to who are weary and heavily
burdened may hear this call… …the Israelites groaned under the stress of their
task masters and barely heard this call…

In order for God to get His people to come to Him, He changed the government
in Egypt to a harsh one for the Israelites, then sent Moses to call them to Him.
Did they respond? No! Their plight got worse as a result – their working conditions
became much tougher! “Moses what have you done they cried!” “If God sent you,
we shouldn’t be worse off. Their groanings and complaints only grew louder,
after leaving Egypt as they journeyed to the promised land!

The law was given to ameliorate their sufferings but the promise remained!
The promise remains!!!!!! Their faith was battered as they dragged their feet
along the wilderness. God in His mercy would give that faith a boost with one
miracle after another…. …the promise must be kept alive in their minds!
The promise must be kept alive despite doubts and sufferings…”

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