Money can buy temporary happiness, but the joy of the Lord is our strength.
It is something that is there regardless of the situation we are in.
The bible records there was a man called Paul in prison with someone called Silas.
In prison, Paul and Silas were dancing and singing to the Lord! When you don’t know God,
you could be lost in the world, unaware of the fact of the love,
grace and mercy God has placed in your life. He is at work in all of our lives.

He knows why he made all of us and has a perfect plan for everyone.
He is leading us step by step through the happy times and the sad times.
All of the things we go through that seem insignificant at times are all part of
the perfect plan God has for us, as the bible tells us that all things work together for good Romans 8:28.

We are not in control of our lives – God is. As a young child,
we are basically in control of nothing. Who chose their primary school? However,
when we get to the point of choosing our secondary school, you can choose were you want to go,
even that doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get in. Coming to an understanding that God is sovereign
over our lives and acknowledging that He is in control, is the wisest thing you can do.

If you don’t, acknowledge that, you’ll find yourself wrestling with God – Genesis 32:22-32.
Jesus advises in the gospels that we let go of our lives for Him, for His sake – Luke 17:33 NLT
Proverbs 3:5, NLT, says ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.’
Everything that happens is not a coincidence, but it is a God incidence.

Every single event that has happened in your life God can use for his Glory.
Make sure to ask God who you should marry and who you should not.
Make sure you are not fearful and ask these questions, even if you are already comfortable.
Do you know better than God? God is looking for us to lay down more and more for him.

Surrender you life to God, let him take control. Ruth is a good example to follow,
as in Ruth 1:16, NLT, we read: ‘But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back.
Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.’

You will live a life where you don’t have control, but is exciting.
The bible says the just shall live by faith and not by sight.
There was a point where you were a child where you had no idea what was going on.
This is why God says our faith should be that of a child. Looking at your smart meter is you,
living by sight. Put your trust in God, the one who is in control. We should not worry, but let God take control.
Trust the Lord with whatever you are planning to do. There is nothing impossible for God.

Recently, we’ve been having a lot of not so positive news – a spreading of fear.
By the time you finish hearing it, you cant help but do something. That is fear, creeping in.
However, trust in the Lord. No one is immune to this, even Christians.
That’s why we need to encourage each other. Although it might seem like being negligent,
you don’t want to be fearful. Focus on the good news – the word of God. Sure there is bad news,
but it shouldn’t be our focus. The word of God should be what we focus on – His promises. Let go and Let God.

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