Articles by: HGC

Let go and Let God:

Money can buy temporary happiness, but the joy of the Lord is our strength.It is something that is there regardless of the situation we are in.The bible records there was a man called Paul in prison with someone called Silas.In prison, Paul and Silas were dancing and singing to the […]

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The Mediator: Part 1

By definition a mediator is a person who attempts to make people involved ina conflict come to an agreement; a go-between. In the book of Job chapter 9:32-35. Job declares in frustration :““God is not a mortal like me, so I cannot argue with him or take him to trial.If […]

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Let my people Go! Part 1

The story in the Bible depicting the life of the children of Israel inEgypt is that of each one of us – it’s worth taking a closer look at,because if you really do, you’ll realise God uses this story to reveala journey we all inadvertently undertake. Freedom was an utopian […]

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God : Creator of worlds.

In the 13th chapter of the book of Matthew,we read about some of the parables of the LORD.In particular on stands out and remains arguably the best known one the parable of the sower. It is to this allegory we turn our attention this morning,in order understand perhaps how God […]

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God – The Christian’s Father:

In Paul’s writing to the church in colossus, chapter 1, verses 15-18,he described Jesus Christ as not only first, that is, existing before anything oranyone but that Jesus Christ is also supreme over all creation, and all things were created by Him – kingdoms, powers, rulers and authorities. These are […]

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Spirit of Absalom Part 2.

For Absalom, courting fame at all cost was a goal most desired.He gradually worked his way back to the palace and into the hearts of theIsraelites using the most unconventional methods – firstly, he set fire to Joab’sfield in order to force him into getting him a meeting with King […]

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The spirit of Absalom -Part 1.

In the book of 2nd Samuel, chapter 14, we read about the return of Absalom to Israel.He had been in exile, living with his Grandfather for 3 years,having fled the country on the back of plotting and killing his step brother, Amnon .Amnon’s crime was raping his half sister, Tamar […]

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In Luke 6:46-49 we read a crucial statement about the consequences of not doing what Jesus teaches us to do.You can’t just call Jesus your Lord and not do what He’s asking you to do – that’s hypocrisy. A true disciple is one who does what the Lord teaches or […]

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Father, God – Priest and King part 2

So the people (Israelites) demanded for a king from samuel for 3 main reasons: Samuel was now an old man with no credible successor in sight. His oldest sons who were judges at the time were corrupt – accepting bribes and perverting justice. They wanted to be like the other […]

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Father, God – Priest and King

We read in 1 Samuel chapter 8 the demand of Israel for a king like the other nations of the world after the Judges at the time Joel and Abijah – the sons of Samuel who was himself an Israelite judge had become corrupt.So what led to this and why […]

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