Father as we examine what this means, we pray that you will heal minds across this nation, starting with our leaders. We pray that you’ll give us sound minds to make Godly decisions for ourselves, our families, our communities, and the nation at large in Jesus’ name – Amen!

The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God had not given us the spirit of fear but of love and of a sound mind. We are also reminded that we should be anxious for nothing but through prayer and thanksgiving make our requests  known to God – Philippians 4:6

Now what does it mean to have a depraved mind? Depraved means morally corrupt or wicked. It means to have a distorted view of reality or of the world. We do not see with our eyes but our minds/hearts. This is why two people could be looking at a picture and see different things. When God heals your mind, you’ll see the world in a new light. Your fears, anxiety, depression and delirium disappears. Yes! dis-appears. Hallelujah!!!! When God heals your mind, you come to your senses, you see the light and you do that which is righteous –

Luke 15:16-27 (Parable of a lost son). Meanwhile, we see his older brother losing his mind on account of his brother’s return and subsequent party. The Bible tells us he became angry. Be careful when you suddenly start to get angry because some people are doing well or celebrating. Do not let the enemy have an inroad into your heart.

Genesis 4:3-7 When we don’t do what is right by God, our conscience bothers us, we are confronted by the sin and in our minds, we do our utmost best to rationalise it. There are two paths usually at this point, the path to hell or one to heaven. If we admit our guilt by taking responsibility for our actions, confessing our sin, God is able and will forgive us. If we have desecrated another person by violating them or their possession, we apologise first to God, why to God, because He is the creator of all, the lawgiver and judge of all and it is His law, first and foremost, we have violated (that’s why our conscience confronts is). Then we ask the other party’s forgiveness and make restitution if necessary. By doing this, we give God glory -this is the path to heaven –

Luke 15: 18. By hiding behind the bush or covering ourselves with fig leaves does not take the guilt away. Leaving in denial does not take the sin away. Justifying it does not take the sin away. Doing other things that are good in a bid to make up for it, does not take the sin away. Charitable deeds does not take the guilt and sin away. Only confession and asking God and man for forgiveness does – Romans 10:9-10. Failure to do this can only lead to the paths of hell, down to hell itself.

Genesis 4. Cain was angry with God for not accepting his offering. He was also angry with Abel whose offering had been accepted. He became anxious and depressed. His mind became distorted and as result, he saw God and the world as unfair and he decided to make it right by becoming the judge, jury and executioner. He wanted to get back at a righteous judge. He wanted so badly to spite God. So he went after the good boy. He attacked what God said was good and right. He killed righteous Abel and inadvertently brought dire consequences upon himself. Look what happened to him afterward – Genesis 4:10-12. Cain became homeless. A wanderer, a drifter upon the earth. He no longer dwelt with God, nor did God with him. This is hell. Remember that God did warn him, to do what is right. To call what God calls good, good. And what he labels evil. He wouldn’t heed. So God let him go, he became homeless. Romans 1:1-32.

Church, let us pray for mercy, that we may regain our senses and return home, home to our Father – Luke 15:8

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