Mankind is driven by the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life,1 John2:15—17 talks about this.
However, let’s go to Genesis 3 where it all began. We read about the fall of mankind in this chapter. In verses 6-7 we see specifically how this happened,
She thought the fruit of the tree was going to have a desirable effect but it had the opposite effect instead.

Afterwards, they then took it upon themselves to look for a solution to the unpleasant feeling the fruit gave them rather than looking for God to help them.
Unknown to them, their solution was going to be short lived in time and certainly inadequate for eternity.
I mean, how long could could fig leaves possibly last but how were they to know with the limited knowledge just acquired.
Man’s knowledge is still very much limited till this day – much of our knowledge is being gathered by experience.
God’s holy knowledge and wisdom however is infinite and perfect, devoid of any error.

God knew what they needed. What they needed and what we need is and has always been the sacrifice provided by God – His Son Jesus,
when Adam and Eve messed up in the beginning by breaking the command that God gave them not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil – their eyes were opened and they became aware of their nakedness, afraid, ashamed, anxious, confused, depressed, vulnerable and susceptible to pain,
suffering and ultimately death – man became mortal.

They needed a solution or solutions to their fallen state and they thought they had the answer(s) –
let’s hide from God and make fig leaves to cover ourselves. From that time and even till now man is still running,
hiding and covering up from God – Adam and Eve hid behind the trees of the garden when they heard the sound and voice of God reaching out and calling on them.

God knew what had happened to them but came looking for them anyway. However, they ran, they covered up and they hid themselves.
What are you hiding behind – work, school, family, pleasure, hobbies, relationships, career, ambitions. You won’t find the solutions to your emptiness in any of those.
Yes those things are good but you were made for more than that. You were made by God and for God, do not fool yourself and you certainly can’t fool God.

He sees you and He knows, He is calling you. Can you hear His voice. He is saying I have a solution,
an answer for your vulnerabilities – your anxiety, depression, loneliness, pain, suffering.
A lasting and permanent solution beyond what you think you need. The root cause of your challenges is sin and the antidote is the blood of Jesus.

The wages of sin is death, so I sent Him to die for your sins, so you can have eternal life – with Me(God). He gave Himself up to save you.
God sent Jesus to restore what you once lost. All you need to do is believe in me and i will teach you more once you agree with Him.

Adam and Eve thought the solution was running from me, making fig leaves and hiding amongst the tress.
I reached out to them, called them out, told them off, judged their sin and provided them with tunics of skin.
Sinning can become pleasurable after a while and letting go of it can have withdrawal symptoms – it’s like going to see a doctor – the fix can be uncomfortable and painful sometimes but you have endure it to be well.

The doctor explains to you that these are the things you’ll need to do and you’ll have to agree to get better. My cure is Jesus Christ – His blood,
which means His death. This is what you need. His blood is the cure, the solution.

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