Genesis 1.
All that God made was good. Verse 31 describes it as very good.

Gensis 2.
Verse 18 is the first time God says something is not good.
Adam being alone (without another human) was not good in the eyes of God.

Apart from your relationship with the divine God,
the highest relationship you can have is one with another human being.
The both of you can reason together, think together,
talk about the future together, and make plans together.

Verse 19-20 describes Adam naming animals, but the Bible still says that none of the animals was a suitable helper for Adam.

Verse 21-22 describes God carrying out the first surgery of all time. Scientists can make great discoveries, but rest assured that God knows much more than the top scientists.

Verse 23 describes the naming of another human being, the woman. Adam named her.

Verse 24 describes true marriage, as per God’s way.

If you think that God doesnt know what is good for you,
think again. God made Adam, therefore he knew what was best for him.
We ourselves may think we know what is best for us, but only God truly knows that.

Verse 17 is an example of this.
God knew that Adam was NOT to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Something can be good for you, if you receive or take it at the right time.
So, it certainly wasnt the right time for Adam to be eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

For example, a man and a woman should not have sex outside of marriage.
If they do this, they commit either fornication or adultery.
However, if they have sex within the boundaries of marriage, it is permissible.
So, the same act that isn’t allowed at a certain time, is allowed at a different time,
which is the good time, in God’s eyes (God’s Time).
This also links back to God knowing what is good for you.

Genesis 3.
Verse 1-5 describes the deception of the snake, who is the devil.
Verse 6-7 describes the first human act of sin. Both Adam and Eve ate of the fruit.

  1. We need to understand that since we are in space and time, we are bound by it.
    Our awareness of all that happens within space and time, therfore,
    it’s s limited. However, God exists outside of space and time.
    Thus, he can see all that occurs within it. His view,
    knowledge and wisdom is not obscured, unlike ours.

God can see our entire future and our entire past,
as His time does not operate like ours. So, by logical extension,
God certainly knows what is best for us, as he can see absolutely
everything that will happen in our lives. Since our scope and viewpoint of life is limited,
if we make actions contrary to the divine wisdom of God, we shall surely die.

  1. So, when we as humans try to define what is good and what is evil,
    we will also fail, as we do not possess the adequate knowledge to do so.
    However, God is omniscient, and he certainly knows what is truly good and what is truly evil.

Simply put, our knowledge in time will ALWAYS be limited,
and we CANNOT always know what is good for us.

God decides what is good, not just based on time, but in eternity.
So when He says something is good, you can be rest assured that it is good.
And when He says something is bad, you can be rest assured that it is bad.

The verdict is this: if we trespass the Law of God and go against his divine Word,
then we open the door for suffering and pain to come into our lives.
If we take or receive at the wrong time, we allow pain and suffering into our lives.

God, in His infinite wisdom, does not will for our future to be destroyed.
Do not be mistaken, there will be suffering and pain, but at the end of it all,
God will restore you as his beloved child.

Also be aware that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was
not to be eaten from at the time, but it very well may have been accessible in the future.
People will ask why it was placed there if it was forbidden, but they fail to examine other possibilites.

Psalms 19:7-8 make it known that the commandments and the Law of God are definitely good.
They are nothing short of perfection.

True good is not subjective, It is objective and defined by what God says it is.
DO NOT define it by your feelings. God’s good is unflawed and unchanging,
but the good defined by man will bring you unto death.
(See Proverbs 14:12).

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen.

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