Romans 12:2 (a) tells us: ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’
Let’s pray that that the Word today will renew our mind.

So, what is the Word of God?

The Word of God has the power to renew your mind. But what does it mean to renew your mind?
When someone has a brilliant mind, it usually means they are really smart and have acquired knowledge overtime through study.

All of the knowledge sits in their mind, but the word of God has the power to renew your mind. Psalm 119:105 also says ‘The word of God is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.’
Your school, your family and your friends have a large impact on who you become and who you are right now.

But the word of God is able to renew your mind and break those strongholds. That’s what it does.

In recent months, a company was bought for 44 billion dollars (Twitter). This platform enables you to post information/share what’s on your mind. It was bought for 44 billion dollars. If someone told you that all you do is put your thoughts out there, yet someone bought it for 44 billion dollars, you probably wouldn’t believe it.
But why was it bought for this much? There are many influencers on the platform
that put word out there to influence: called a tweet. And then it trends, it gets retweeted and everyone can see it.

Finally, it manifests in the real world. What you see in the real world starts with a tweet for example.
That’s why it was bought with 44 billion: it controls your mind, trends, people, nations.
A tweet can start a war and a tweet can end a war.
A tweet can end lives. Words are so powerful – especially coming from powerful people.

This information will come and then it will arrest you.
Influencers on twitter probably have around 396+ million followers.
How many active followers did Jesus have? If someone with that amount of followers posted something,
how many people would see it? How many would be influenced by it? So do you think Twitter was worth 44 billion dollars?

On the topic of influence, you can see examples in our real lives.
Do you think you chose the colour of your house? Everyone paints it grey.
Now you say it looks nice. You think it’s trendy. Before everyone painted it cream.
Everything you do and everything you have is being determined by tweets.

So what is the word of God The bible says in the book of John chapter one verse
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Everything that was created was created by the word of God. The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us.
We can also say “In the beginning was a tweet… the tweet can also manifest and come alive in the real world.
It can turn into something catastrophic, or wonderful in the real world.

What can we take from all of these? We need to pay attention to the tweets of God.
He is tweeting. He has tweeted. And if you believe it, it will manifest into the real world. All the tweets, all the posts, it’s to direct people in a direction. Tweets and posts shape people’s lives.

Are you feeding on the word, the posts and the tweets of God?
He has told us “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28).
He said he will make you above and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13).
He said that he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
Those are God’s tweets. And they can never be deleted. No one has the power to delete his tweets.

The words of the influencers that have been talked about, they are powerful. They determine the shoes you wear, the clothes you buy, your hairstyle and other decisions you make. You think that the word of God can’t help you live the best life?
His words are powerful. He said “let there be light” and then guess what? There was light (Genesis 1:3).
It manifested in the real world. So what has God said about you? What has he said about me?
He tweeted to man “…have dominion over all the animals” (Genesis 1:28).

Do you believe that? He tweeted that he will prosper the work of your hands (Deuteronomy 30:9).
Do you believe that? Most times, we don’t, we don’t even remember.
Do you know you are in Christ Jesus? Do you understand who you are in God?
Do you know your identity? The bible says that man should not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:3).
Your mind tells you all sorts of things, it tells you what you can and can’t do.
However, we must not tweet what God has not tweeted (to ourselves).

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