In Paul’s writing to the church in colossus, chapter 1, verses 15-18,
he described Jesus Christ as not only first, that is, existing before anything or
anyone but that Jesus Christ is also supreme over all creation, and all things were created by Him – kingdoms, powers, rulers and authorities. These are profound conclusions to make about someone.

However, Paul didn’t stop there, he went further in declaring that Jesus Christ is the visible
image of the invisible God – Colossians 1:15.
Paul, himself a Jew – a once devoted Pharisee, of the tribe of Benjamin was now confessing this man Jesus,
who equally was a Jew, as God incarnate. Could he be right? Jesus had been born into the
family of Joseph the carpenter. Paul never met Jesus physically. Now here he was,
writing about Him and professing Him to be the God responsible for the creation of the universe.

How so and why?
Paul had so much to be proud of as Jew – read Philippians 3:4-8. Jews were and still are,
very proud of their ancestral lineage to Abraham – the Father of the nation. Nations are born by Fathers –
men who through grit, guile, courage and vision lead others to a promised land.
Men and women still are very proud citizens of many nations born by Fathers and Mothers across the globe.
What are you most proud of? Your citizenship, your race, your gender, your career, your family heritage etc.

All of these are insignificant compared to knowing that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
Believing and trusting in Him, which brings us into a relationship with His Father -our Heavenly Father -Philippians 3:4-8
John, one of Jesus’s disciples had previously written a similar account about Jesus Christ,
which parallels what Paul was writing to the Colossians about the supremacy of Christ -John chapter 1:1-13.

Here, John’s revelation of Jesus was that He existed with God the Father at the very “beginning”,
before anything was created and again that through Him all things were created, that He is the Light of
all mankind and that in Him, is Life! He then went on to write that all those who believe in Him
become the children of God – “They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan,
but a birth that comes from God.” John‬ ‭1:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If anything is worth being proud of, this is it. However, a Christian, having known God as Father,
is humbled by this immense privilege. To know God as Father and Jesus Christ His son as our saviour
is the mission worth pursuing in life. I pray in Jesus name that you’ll know Him. Amen

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