So the people (Israelites) demanded for a king from samuel for 3 main reasons:

  1. Samuel was now an old man with no credible successor in sight.
  2. His oldest sons who were judges at the time were corrupt – accepting bribes and perverting justice.
  3. They wanted to be like the other nations around them who had kings that led to battles.

The questions is were they justified in asking for a king, perhaps yes. After all, the judges at the time were corrupt. Samuel was displeased with their request and having consulted with God,
the Lord said yes.

Grant their request was the Lord’s response. Even though they were rejecting Him, God was and still is not in the business of forcing anyone against their will to make Him king over their life.
God will often present us with a choice and a warning about the consequences and or rewards/blessings of our decisions.

In this case, God warned the people through samuel about the dangers of rejecting Him as king in favour of a human king. The people were NOT going to change their minds and so it’s remained to this day. People continue to reject God as king.

Instead, putting their faith and trust in human kings and governments. God is a king, with an everlasting kingdom. The invitation remains for those who will put their faith and trust in Him to protect and provide for them.
He is the only One who blesses unconditionally and without any ulterior motives. After all, He is the only one who is truly sovereign.

Isn’t it time to turn to and trust in a King whose kingdom is forevermore?

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