It’s sinful pride and foolishness to question the wisdom and judgement of God. Job 38:36, Job 40:2 and 8
It’s absolutely fine to question the judgement of other people. But to question the judgement of God…? Now we may from time to time momentarily complain about the weather, a paycheck or a headache but to have deep-seated ongoing anger and resentment for what God has created and is doing or has done is hubris. There is only one outcome from that – depression and hell.

Pain and suffering are often the precipitation of anger and hatred for humanity, life in general and ultimately God. Job endured a great amount of pain – both physically and mentally. He lost close members of his family suddenly and his wealth vanished. He was broke and sick – a dire situation to be in. At that point, like most of us, he reasoned he didn’t deserve the experience because he was “better” than most people who were having it good. He questioned God’s judgement and complained bitterly to him.

Pain is very much part of the existing framework – our earthly experience. As a matter of fact, it’s the default position after “The Fall” of mankind. It’s one of the consequences of sin, ultimately leading to death – the wages of sin is death – Romans 6:23. So we mustn’t let pain poison our heart and our thoughts towards God. Why? Jesus, the son of God, sent by the Father, paid a great price with his life for us to momentarily enjoy a life devoid of pain and suffering. Isaiah 53 from verse 4 reveals what he did for us to have a good life. It’s because of Him that we enjoy life. He took away our infirmities, sorrows, pain, and ultimately eternal death. It’s because of the pain and suffering He endured and His death, that allowed Job and all of us to enjoy this world, at least to some extent. So we must look at what Jesus has done for us because without His sacrifice, life would have been simply intolerable and unbearable. We must let God comfort us through any pain and suffering because He loves us. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, His rod and staff comfort me. When we pass through the fire, His word says He is with

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